Our Team


Photo of Kara Van Dam

Kara Van Dam, Ph.D., MBA

Chief Executive of GVSU Omni

(616) 331-7624

[email protected]

Dr. 卡拉·范·达姆在北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校获得语言学博士和硕士学位. 她拥有卡普兰大学工商管理硕士学位和密歇根大学法语和语言学学士学位. 她在西密歇根州长大,毕业于东大急流城高中.

Kara leads GVSU Omni 并负责大学的几个领域,包括成人和继续学习, the career center, executive education and enterprise partnerships, and regional campuses, including the Battle Creek Regional Outreach Center.

Battle Creek Regional Outreach Center

Photo of Al Shifflett

Al Shifflett III, MBA

Director, Southwest Michigan

(616) 331-7615

[email protected]

Al Shifflett is an alumnus of Battle Creek Central High School, Kellogg Community College, and Western Michigan University (WMU), 并获得了Grand Valley State University的工商管理硕士学位.

在监督GVSU巴特克里克地区外展中心和通过W资助的赠款活动的同时.K. Kellogg Foundation, Al is responsible for building and maintaining relationships with businesses, educators, health providers, and community members throughout the community and SW Michigan. Partnering alongside these constituent groups, his mission is to assist with the development and support of educational, economic, 以及巴特克里克社区和地区内的健康倡议,通过与大学的有意义和战略联系.

Al's prior experience includes 20 years of marketing and promotion, service, and engagement experiences - most recently at WMU Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine in Kalamazoo, MI. 在那里,他为医学院设立了发展和校友事务办公室,并在新机构建立了一种捐赠和管理的文化. 阿尔很荣幸有机会在他的家乡产生积极的影响, including the high school and community college from which he graduated, and the Southwest Michigan region through programs and resources from GVSU.

Photo of Nikki Elder

Nikki Elder

Special Projects Coordinator

(616) 331-7613

[email protected]

Nikki Elder is a certified teacher and administrator. 她获得了辛辛那提大学K-12西班牙语和教育学士学位,并获得了基石大学TESOL硕士学位和西密歇根大学教育领导学位. 尼基在K-12设置有超过16年的经验,从小学和中学设置的课堂教学, teaching multilingual learners (EL) at both the district and ISD level, and consulting and education program development. 她还在西密歇根大学与范布伦中级学区合作的高影响力领导力(HIL)项目中担任协调员,在全校范围内提高读写能力的倡议中,她指导和咨询了校长和学校领导团队. 

As Special Projects Coordinator, 尼基与教授合作,在巴特尔克里克中央高中的GVSU双博天堂官方课程中取得学生成功. She also works with district counselors, ISDs, 以及11个县地区的其他学校和全县教育合作伙伴,以增加学生和成人学习者上大学的机会和途径. 尼基是巴特尔克里克人,她热衷于在专业和个人方面改善社区. 她很高兴能成为GVSU巴特克里克地区外展中心的一员,并帮助创建一个社区,在这个社区中,高等教育可以成为所有学习者的现实.

Photo of Career Navigator, Sara Reed

Sara Reed, M.A., GCDF

Career Navigator

(616) 331-7611

[email protected]

萨拉·里德(Sara Reed)获得了大峡谷州立大学(GVSU)的历史学学士学位。, 并获得锡耶纳高地大学高等教育领导学硕士学位. She has worked in higher education for fourteen years, with Student and Community Services, TRIO Student Support Services, and as a specialist for Career Services at Kellogg Community College.

In her role as the Career Navigator, Sara serves as a liaison between GVSU, Battle Creek Public Schools (BCPS), and other schools and organizations within the area. In collaboration with high school counselors and administrative teams, Sara为BCPS学生提供大学建议和职业探索,并支持社区中其他学习者的教育旅程.


Photo of Leslie Strickland

Leslie Strickland

Office Assistant

(616) 331-7610

[email protected]

莱斯利·斯特里克兰通过西密歇根大学的向上发展和密歇根发展项目为卡拉马祖和范布伦县服务. 在进入华盛顿大学之前,她在金融行业工作了十多年. 莱斯利热衷于支持巴特克里克和整个密歇根州西南部社区的学习者.

Pipeline Scholars Program

Photo of Estefany Paniagua-Pardo

Estefany Paniagua-Pardo, M.Ed.

Career Navigator

(616) 331-7621

[email protected]

Estefany Paniagua-Pardo在Grand Valley州立大学获得教育硕士学位,主修大学学生事务领导. Prior to obtaining her graduate degree, 她获得了西北密歇根学院的副学士学位,以及大峡谷州立大学弗雷德里克·梅杰荣誉学院的政治学学士学位.

Before working for the Battle Creek Regional Outreach Center, 埃斯特法尼通过她在华盛顿大学和学院的西班牙裔协会的工作,为未被充分代表的学生群体服务.C. and TRIO Student Support Services. Her career aspirations consist of providing services, support, 为来自弱势背景的学生提供高等教育的机会. 埃斯特法尼热衷于全面服务和支持GVSU/巴特克里克公立学校管道学者沿着他们的旅程从GVSU毕业.

Charlotte Bulkus, Career Navigator

Charlotte Balkus, M.Ed.

Career Navigator

(616) 331-7622

[email protected]

Charlotte Balkus earned her Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree with a focus on college student affairs leadership from GVSU, solidifying her status as a Laker for a Lifetime. 她之前获得了密歇根州立大学的心理学学士学位,并在青年和社会以及人类行为和社会服务方面获得了双辅修学位.

在加入巴特克里克地区外展中心的管道学者项目之前, 夏洛特在GVSU的TRIO学生支持服务(SSS Classic)项目中担任项目顾问. Being a fellow first-generation college student, 她非常热衷于帮助第一代/低收入大学生导航他们的高等教育之旅,并解决他们的独特需求. 夏洛特渴望继续她的高等教育事业,同时倡导增加教育机会,为所有人创造新的机会.

Photo of Ana Estrella, Graduate Assistant

Ana Estrella, CTRS

Occupational Therapy

Graduate Assistant

Page last modified April 2, 2024